Wednesday, December 22, 2010

So I went shopping…

This is just a figment of my imagination. Any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental.

The other day, one my friends said she was planning to go shopping the next day and maybe I should come along. To be honest, I’ve never been shopping in the truest sense where you spend hours at the mall and spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars (yes, I’ve started addressing money in terms of dollars..!). And to top it, somehow I never have enough money to go shopping.

So I thought what it would be like to go shopping. And then the weirdest imagery came to my mind. So, here’s my idea of shopping.

Person X: Long day huh?
Me: Tell me about it, I had gone shopping.
Person X: So, you spent some time, what did you buy?
Me: Yeah, I bought an oil company in Venezuela, a couple of manufacturing firms in China…and guess what; I got a real bargain at this mine in Chile!!
Person X: Man, you should have called me, I really wanted to check out some of construction companies in the Asian region, we could have gone together.
Me: Sure, next month when I get my paycheck maybe we’ll go shopping again..!!..hahahahha..!!

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