Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I Should be a CFO

And by CFO, I do mean the Chief Financial Officer.

Note: I prefer to think of myself not as a person, but as a giant business conglomerate. It's actually pretty easy if you think about it. If you own a house, that's your real estate business, you cell phone is your telecom business, your vehicle is your automotive business, so on and so forth, and of-course your bank account and your credit cards is your banking business.

So why I would make a good CFO ?

1. I have managed to support all my businesses with minimum cash outflows whilst maintaining acceptable levels of profitability.
2. I have raised debt on multiple occasions ,in multiple currencies, conducted cross border transactions at minimal transaction costs and repaid debt in multiple currencies all whilst maintaining an excellent credit rating.
3. I have been successfully able to roll-over debt on several occasions (Refer to older posts on why rolling over of debt is a good strategy)
4. I have purchased assets far beyond what my cash flows would allows me by convincing my lenders that the returns from those assets would far exceed the cost of debt (all this without a PPT)
5. In the past few years, my financial reporting of all my business segments has been good enough to meet analysts expectations. Although the other day I could relate to how the CFO of Enron would have felt in his prime.

In times of adversity, nothing beats a good credit rating.

"It's not just about the money, It's ALL about the money"