Monday, August 22, 2011

Wall Street Mafia..

In the movie "The Godfather"...New York City was ruled by five mafia families...We do not have the Corleone's, Tattaglias or the Barzini's least not by the same name....We now know them as the Goldman's, JP Morgan's and the Morgan Stanley's...!!!

In of the scenes....Vito Corleone's consigliere says...."We have the judges on our's fine.."....flash forward to present day.....Goldman's legal says..."We have the SEC on our's fine.."..

These big guys of Investment Banking today rule Wall Street just the same was as a mafia would. Time and again they do wrong.....and get away with petty fines...yes, a few million dollars is petty when you deal in billions.

Take this as an of my favorites though...Just a few weeks ago...before the markets went was impossible to short LinkedIn...yes, one of the reasons was that they have a very small float (around 10%)....but the biggest according to me was that its price was backed by its underwriters...namely JPM, BofA and MS.... every time you sold.....they were ready to buy and jack up the price...Reality will be very different and hurtful once these guys take off their hands.....

Maybe in a few years someone at the SEC might discover that these guys were behaving in a manner called "Intentionally trying to manipulate the market" what...the banks will just cough up a small fine (if they even get to that stage)....and carry on with business as usual.....well, to me this looks like mafia behavior...

So essentially, the mafia is alive and well, just that now they engage in “legal” businesses……If you want to fight them…do it at your own risk…
PS: I do not intend to dispute or defend my viewpoint…just don’t shoot the messenger….