Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Law of the jungle

Heard this poem a long time back...just thought I'd share it...

Now this is the Law of the Jungle
As old and as true as the sky
And the Wolf that shall keep it may prosper
But the Wolf that shall break it must die
As the creeper that girdles the tree-trunk
The Law runneth forward and back
For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf
And the strength of the Wolf is the Pack

PS: Markets can remain irrational...longer than you can remain solvent...don't fight the market

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Baby got WACC

It's a really cheesy one...but if you like anything to do with banking you might get the humor

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Just roll it over...

Here's an interesting thing about debt...its like drugs...It's addictive..but it can be helpful if used moderately and in a responsible manner. And the best part about debt is that if conditions are in your can always roll it over.

This happened when I was in college.One of my seniors was working on this great plan he had thought about. He was going to apply for two credit cards. He'll shop using one and pay the bill with the other card. And when the second bill becomes due...he'll pay it with the first card. Now assuming that it is possible to pay one credit card with the other and to repeatedly do so, this is an awesome plan. You spend X right now, keep rolling the debt for some time,and since you have technically not defaulted on any payment, the card companies will even increase your credit limit over time. So after some time you pay the X amount and now shop for 2X and again repeat the same process.

This is actually a very good plan. Since both parties get paid without default, you get a good credit rating with them and they'll always be willing to lend to you. But again, the caveat is that...they should never speak to each to each other.

Even in real life, you can borrow from someone, keep rolling the debt, get your NPV maxed and no one will ever know, or rather no one should ever know.

"I am so evil, sometimes I scare myself"