Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Short Seller..

People are just like stocks, their values go up and down with events in their life. Say, you get a new high paying job, you value goes up...and this is not just commercial value which one can monetize, its the value society puts on you. You can say/do the dumbest thing and get away with it, because you are perceived to be "fundamentally strong".

But then there is a flip side to this, once people reach a certain "valuation", they are afraid to take any more risks, just in case things don't work as planned. They wouldn't want to be downgraded from their current status. In other words they prize stability more than ambition.

Another kind of people are who slowly but steadily climb the ladder. Once they reach a certain level and look down, they see all those people below them and this boosts their ego to an extent it resembles a stock bubble. They believe that they have reached a level where nothing can go wrong......and then the short seller arrives. Just like in the markets, the short seller is viewed to be a devil whereas in fact he is actually bring you down to your fundamental level before your bubble bursts.

Mostly the short seller is a just a sequence of events, sometimes it is also a person...whoever it might be..the fact is that correction will happen be it in the stock market or in real life.